Société Française de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire

Job offers

Submit a job offer

You will find below the list of job offers or internships submitted to us by our partners.     

These offers are free of charge, but in order to answer them you must contact the organizations concerned directly using information provided in the offer.     

To submit a job offer you can click on the submit button

Intitulé du poste Organisme Nature du contrat Localisation du poste A pourvoir pour  
Assistant engineer position in N-terminomics at I2BC University Paris-Saclay I2BC CNRS 4 Decembre 2024 CDD I2BC 02.03.2025
Assistant Ingénieur - Mobilitié Interne CNRS CNRS - Centre de Biologie Intégrative - MCD 02/12/2024 CDI Toulouse - CBI