Société Française de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire

Marlène Vayssières, 32, completed a master's degree in "Structural and functional biology" at the Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, obtained in 2016. She then completed her PhD entitled "Structural and functional studies of the biogenesis of the small subunit of the ribosome" within the team of Prof. Nicolas Leulliot, in the crystallography and biological NMR laboratory, which she defended in October 2019.

CNRS, Sorbonne Université Cell-cycle-dependent mRNA localization in P-bodies. 

Molecular Cell, 84, 4191-4208.e7
Safieddine*, A., Benassy, M.-N., Bonte, T., Slimani, F., Pourcelot, O., Kress, M., Ernoult-Lange, M., Courel, M., Coleno, E., Imbert, A., Laine, A., Godebert, A.M., Vinit, A., Blugeon, C., Chevreux, G., Gautheret, D., Walter, T., Bertrand, E., Bénard, M., Weil*, D.


IBCP, MMSB, Lyon The double-edged role of FASII regulator FabT in Streptococcus pyogenes infection.
Nat. Commun. 15(1):8593. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-52637-3
Lambert C, Gaillard M, Wongdontree P, Bachmann C, Hautcoeur A, Gloux K, Guilbert T, Méhats C, Prost B, Solgadi A, Abreu S, Andrieu M, Poyart C, Gruss A, Fouet A.


Université Lyon 1, The Molecular Microbiology and Structural Biochemistry Lab. (MMSB)
Mono- and bi-specific nanobodies targeting the CUB domains of PCPE-1 reduce the proteolytic processing of fibrillar procollagens

Mol. Biol. 436(16):168667.doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2024.168667

Lagoutte P, Bourhis JM, Mariano N, Gueguen-Chaignon V, Vandroux D, Moali C, Vadon-Le Goff S.
