Société Française de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire

In 2017, the SFBBM granted financial assistance to the following persons to attend an international congress

 BOTTINI Silvia-2nd International Conference on the Long and the Short Non-Coding RNAs, Grèce  INSERM U1065 C3M, Nice
 BREYTON Cécile-Phage and Virus Assembly, USA  IBS Grenoble
 CALDELARI Isabelle-Gordon Research Conferences "Staphyloccoccal Diseases" USA  CNRS-IBMC, Strasbourg
 FERHADIAN Damien-27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Virology, Allemagne CNRS-IBMC, Strasbourg  
 FLEURY Fabrice-42ème congrès de la FEBS, Israël  UFIP Nantes
 GAZANION Elodie-6th International Meeting on Quadruplex Nucleic Acids, Prague
 UMR 5290 CNRS, Montpellier
 GROSS Lauriane-RNA meeting 201, Prague  CNRS-IBMC, Strasbourg 
LEGER Christophe-Control of Proton and Electron Transfers in Redox Catalysis, USA CNRS-BIP Marseille
MARZI Stefano-RNA meeting 201, Prague CNRS-IBMC, Strasbourg
MAZON Hortense-EMBO workshop, Espagne IMoPA, Vandoeuvre les Nancy
PETITI Melissa-ASM Microbe 2017, USA IMM CNRS Marseille
RISSER Fanny-Directing Biosynthesis, Angleterre IMoPA, Vandoeuvre les Nancy
ROSNOBLET Claire-congrès  FEBS3+,Barcelone UMR 1347 université de Bourgogne
STINES Claire-congrès  FEBS3+, Barcelone CRPP UPR 8641 Bordeaux
ZEGHOUF Mahel-Endocytic trafficking and signaling in health and disease, Allemagne LBPA-ENS-Paris Saclay Cachan