Société Française de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire


The members of the SFBBM are de facto affiliated to the IUBMB and eligible for its activities.


The members of the SFBBM are de facto affiliated to the IUBMB and eligible for its activities.

The IUBMB awards short-term international scholarships for a stay in a foreign laboratory (Wood-Whelan scholarships).

They are intended for young researchers, members of affiliated National Societies. Visit the IUBMB website


Visit the IUBMB website



Federation of European Biochemical Societies.

The SFBBM is the French branch of FEBS, Federation of the European Biochemical Societies.

The members of the SFBBM are automatically members of the FEBS.

FEBS publishes scientific journals, FEBS Letters, FEBS Journal, Molecular Oncology and FEBS Open bio.

It organizes an annual congress alternately in different European countries. FEBS organizes advanced training courses and awards FEBS fellowships for short-term and post-doctoral fellowships. You must be a member of the SFBBM, up to date, to be eligible for FEBS activities and funding

Visit the FEBS website