Société Française de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire

Presentation of the SFBBM

Welcome to the SFBBM, the French Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

The Society was founded by Professor Maurice Nicloux on March 14, 1914 at the College de France in Paris.



  • Missions of the SFBBM
  • Gather biochemists and molecular biologists
  • Unite and stimulate the scientific community through the Society ‘s Theme Panels or Education and Women in Science Committees
  • Be the official representative of the scientific community to government organizations and national and international bodies
  • Means
  • Scientific conferences and meetings
  • Scientific awards

  • Fellowships and grants to attend national and international conferences and meetings
  • Publications
  • Web resources
  • Benefits
  • Reduced registration fees to SFBBM events
Automatic membership of FEBS and access to FEBS fellowships and Advanced Courses
  • Eligibility to IUBMB fellowships

History of the SFBBM

Le professeur Maurice NiclouxSince 1914 our Society has contributed to the spread of knowledge at the interface of biology and chemistry. The disciplines, biochemistry and molecular biology are both transversal and at the very heart of the understanding of the living mechanisms. As such, they reach a very broad community of biologists. In this context, the SFBBM continues today to be an important vector in the scientific community and despite its 100 years it has always been able to change and evolve with its time.

This scientific adventure begun 100 years ago is reported with force and detail in a remarkable collection written by Professor Guy Dirheimer and published in a special issue of "Regard sur la Biochimie", dedicated exclusively to the centenary of the society.

Maurice Nicloux

To celebrate this anniversary SFBBM organized with FEBS and EMBO in August 2014 in Paris an international congress that gathered more than 2600 participants from 67 countries on all continents.


"Regard sur la Biochimie - 100 years special issue"

Fichier : pdf
Taille : 11 Mo
Pages : 36

"50 years special issue"

Fichier : pdf
Taille : 45 Mo
Pages : 55